Receive help for problem gambling. |
28E Filing
File with another government body to become a 28E agency. |
50 States Comparison
Compare up to four States with Iowa. |
511 Traveler Information (Road Conditions & Construction)
View current travel information warnings, and reports. Download 511 mobile apps for multiple devices. |
Absentee Ballot Tracking
Track online the status of your absentee ballot to vote by checking the Secretary of State website. |
Accident Reports (State Patrol Crash Reports)
Search reports of accidents that occurred in the last 15 days. |
Acupuncture Licensing
Acupuncture professionals can apply for and manage their license online. |
Acupuncture Search
Search for Iowa licensed Acupuncturists (L.Ac). |
Admin Fee Assessment Quarterly Calculator
Calculate your quarterly fee assessment |
Administrative Rules
Comment on State of Iowa administrative rules in the Notice process. |
Adopt A Highway
Apply for an adopt a highway permit online |
Aging and Disability Resource Center
Find resources and services available in your area. |
Agricultural Report Filing
File your biennial agricultural report online. |
Agriculture Business Assistance
Search funding programs and other resources for agricultural businesses. |
Alcohol License Search
Search for a beer, wine, liquor, distributor, distiller, or other alcohol related license. |
Alcohol Products Online Ordering (for licensees)
Online shopping site for alcoholic beverages |
Alcohol Products Quote Request (for licensees)
If you are interested in a new product, you may Request a Quote using this online form. |
Alcohol Products Special Order (for licensees)
Place a special alcoholic beverage order request |
Alcoholic Beverage Licensing
Create an account and apply for licenses. |
Alert Iowa Signup
Sign up to receive text alerts for your county or multiple counties. |
Am I Registered to Vote in Iowa?
Search your name and zip code to see if you are registered to vote and where your voting location is. |
Amber Alert
America's Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response System for Iowa |
Animal Feeding Operations
Regulated livestock and poultry facilities locations, animal numbers, construction reviews, environmental or geological reviews. |
Animal Welfare Inspection Reports
Search and view inspections reports for Animal Shelters, Commercial Breeders, Pet Shop, Commercial Kennel, Boarding Kennel, Pound, or Dealer |
Apply for Unemployment Insurance
Apply online for Unemployment Insurance. |
Area Agency on Aging Locator
Find your local aging agency for assistance for caregiver resources and support services. |
Arts Council Grant Applications
Grant Programs are open and available to apply for periodically during the year. |
Arts Council Review Panels Volunteer Program Application
Volunteer and share your artistic and cultural viewpoints to the Arts Council Volunteer Panelist Program. |
Asbestos Licensees and Permittees
Search for asbestos licensees and permittees in Iowa |
Ask A Librarian
Contact the professional librarians at the State Library through phone, e-mail, text or live chat. Questions are monitored Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., after hours requests will be answered the next business day. |
Audit Reports Database
Search state audit reports by entity, firm or audit category. |
Authorization For Release Of Information Form
Authorize representatives of facilities, Area Agencies on Aging or other organizations to disclose information about a centenarian to the Iowa Department on Aging for the purpose of entering that information into the Iowa Centenarian Registry. |
Automated Weather Observing System
Search for weather conditions at 43 airports. Pilots can obtain this real-time weather via aviation flight planning programs and radio in their aircraft. It is also available to anyone to search online or by telephone. |
Aviation Pavement Management System
View detailed aviation pavement inventory and condition data |
Aviation Photography Contest
Have fun, get recognition, and help promote aviation in Iowa by participating in the Iowa Aviation Photo/Video contest sponsored by the Iowa DOT. |
Backflow Prevention Assembly Tester Registration
New/Renewal Online Registration Portal |
Background Check Accounts
Create an account for the (SING) background check system. |
Banking License Search
Search for a banking license |
Barber Licensing
Barbering license professionals manage their license online. |
Become a Member
Bidding Opportunities
Bids currently open for vendor submission. Login as a Public User. |
Birth, Death, Divorce and Marriage Certificates
Get your copy of birth, death, divorce or marriage certificates by mail, online, or by phone. |
Blind and Physically Handicapped Library Catalog
Searchable online catalog for the blind and physically handicapped. |
Blind and Physically Handicapped Services Referrals
Submit a referral for services for the blind and physically handicapped |
Board and Commissions Member Search
Searchable database with boards and commissions to learn about their function and members. |
Boarding Home Registration Application
Owners, operators, or managers of boarding homes must register their buildings with the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals (DIA). Register online. |
Boards and Commissions Open Position Search
Search for open Boards and Commissions positions. |
Boat Dock Registration
Dock permits application and renewal (required for all docks on public water). |
Breath Alcohol
Search results of recent breathalyzer tests by local law enforcement |
Broker Check
Research the background and experience of financial brokers, advisers and firms. |
Business Assistance (General)
Business Assistance starting or expanding your business. |
Business Entities Search
Search for an existing business in the state. |
Business Entity Filing
File regular business entity reports and report any changes to your business. |
Business License Information Center
Discover how to fulfill your licensing obligations, or learn how to expand your business lines or geographic footprint, search a complete list of licenses and permits. |
Cabins,Campgrounds, Lodges and Shelter Reservations
State Park reservations for cabins, campgrounds, lodges and shelter. |
Campground Business Registration
Iowa campground operators and membership campground operators in Iowa registration. |
Capitol Complex Resources Website
Plan your event at the Capitol Complex. |
CDL Test App
The Iowa CDL test app has everything you need to pass your Iowa Commercial Drivers License (CDL) test the first time! |
Cemeteries and Burial Sites
Listing of cemeteries and burial sites in Iowa |
Centenarian Registry Application & Release Of Information
Authorize Aging Services to enter information about you into the Iowa Centenarian Registry |
Central Inventory Stock Catalog For Government Agencies
View a picture catalog to use as a reference for inventory items and to determine Iowa DOT part numbers. |
Certified Industrial Sites For New Facilities
Search for project-ready industrial sites to build your business. |
Certified Nurse Assistant or Aid: Direct Care Worker (DCW also known as CNA) Search
Search the database to verify the employment status of certified nursing assistants to see whether they are eligible to work. |
Certified Shorthand Reporters (CSR) Application
This process allows you to apply to take the examination to become a certified shorthand reporter in Iowa. |
Certified Shorthand Reporters Search
Search for certified shorthand reporters |
Charitable Organization Disclosure Online Form
Disclose which charitable organizations you raise funds for as a professional fundraiser |
Charitable Trust Registration
Organizations apply online for charitable trust status. |
Checklist for College Bound Students Website
Child Care Provider Complaints and Compliance Reports
Search for complaints and reports filed with DHS. |
Child Care Provider Search
Search for child care providers. |
Child Support Estimator
Estimate how much your child support payments might be. |
Child Support Portal for Employers
Employer only application allows online child support payments, reporting of newly hired and rehired employees, reporting employee terminations and to receive forms electronically. |
Child Support Portal for Families
Find out about the child support program, access information about your child support case, make payments, and update your employer and contact information. |
Chiropractic Licensing
Chiropractic professionals manage their licenses online. |
City Financial Reports Database
Find a city's financial report for the last fiscal year online. |
Code of Iowa
Composite of all permanent laws enacted by the Iowa General Assembly. |
College Planning Checklist for Families Website
Commercial Drivers Online Applications
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and International Registration Plan (IRP) online application and payment processing; Request and track oversize permits
Commercial Feed Licensees
Find a licensed commercial feed dealer |
Commercial Fertilizer Licensee
Find a licensed commercial fertilizer dealer |
Complete List of Pro Hac Attorneys (Court Appointed Lawyer)
Get a complete list of Pro Hac Attorneys |
Complete online form for Certificate of Free Sale
Certificates of Free Sale for food manufacturers for product(s) marketed in the United States or eligible for export that are regulated by the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals. |
Consumer Complaint
File a complaint online against a business or individual. |
Consumer Information Materials & Brochures Order Form
Order general customer service brochures, energy-related brochures, and telephone service-related brochures |
Consumer/Assignee Notification Form
Make consumer credit transactions online by providing bank account information and authorizing the withdrawal of funds. |
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Contact Registration (New)
This process allows a person to register as a sponsor contact. You will need to know your Sponsor's Registration Key. |
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Events
Search for CLE Events |
Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Sponsor
Search for a CLE sponsor |
Corporation Biennial Report Filing
File your biennial report online. |
County Locator Website
Locate county offices and phone numbers through the Iowa State Association of Counties. |
Courts Online Search
Search online for cases in the Appellate or Trial Courts of Iowa. |
Credit Union Complaint
File a credit union complaint |
Credit Union Division Forms
Division forms include many credit union organizational, application, merger, and spin-off forms |
Credit Union Locator
Locate a credit union in your area. |
Crime Victim Compensation Application
Crime victims can apply for compensation to help cover out of pocket expenses resulting from criminal acts against them. |
Criminal and Juvenile Justice Data
Search multiple years of adult court disposed charges and convictions, including information on the district, county, age, sex, and race of defendants, and charge details (level, type and subtype). |
Criminal History Record Check
Request a non-waiver Iowa criminal history record check. |
Cultural Affairs Event Calendar
Interactive calendar of upcoming events |
Debt Collector Registration
Debt collectors collecting from Iowa residents register online. Bank account information and authorization for withdrawal is required. |
Dentist Licensing
Dentistry professionals manage their license online. |
Digital Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Historical maps of 360 Iowa towns developed to identify fire hazards. |
Disciplinary and Disability Orders Search
This process allows you to search the database of public disability and discipline orders imposed on Iowa lawyers. |
Discrimination Complaint
File an online complaint with the Iowa Civil Rights Commission. |
Do I Need a CDL?
Answer a few questions and find out if you need a Commerical Driver's License (CDL) |
Donate to DNR
Donate to support DNR's mission in Iowa. Donations can support state parks, preserves, and forests; research, management and educational activities for fishing and hunting; and protection of Iowa's air, land, water and people. |
DOT Document Library
View DOT's document library of highway plans, letting proposals, cross sections, reference documents and a photo gallery. |
Download Electronic Plans and Proposals for Current DOT Letting
Find open requests for proposals, prequalification for Iowa DOT work and more. |
Driver License/ID
Renew your license, pay for your license, view your license, receive a reminder for renewal, find a driver license issuance site and other online driver license related services. |
Driver Practice Test
Driver License Practice Test |
Driver Records for Businesses/Organizations
Purchase a certified copy of a driver record. |
Driver's License Issuance Sites
Find a driver's license site near you. |
Driving Record Certified Copy
Request a certified copy of your driving record |
Drug Prevention and Treatment Centers
Search for Drug Prevention and Treatment Centers |
EasyPay Iowa
Set up a payment plan to pay debt owed to the Iowa Department of Revenue. |
Education Portal for Schools and Educational Agencies (requires login)
Education portal provides schools and area education agencies access to Department of Education applications. |
Use the eFile System to electronically file court documents. You can track the status of your filings, review filings by other parties, and receive documents and notifications from the clerk’s office. |
eFiling Portal
Electronically file disputes and documents with the Public Employment Relations Board. You must have an account to use this service. |
Election Results
Election Results and Statistics from 1996 to Current |
Electrical Permits and Inspections Licensing
Search for licensed electricians. Electrical professionals manage their license online. |
Employee Salary Book
Search the State Employee Salary book. |
Employer's Unemployment Insurance Payment
Employers pay Unemployment Insurance tax (MyIowaUI). |
Employment Contract Search.
Search Iowa Contracts, Iowa Contracts Archive, Iowa PERB and Court Decisions and Iowa Neutral Decisions online. |
Enroll in the program to receive weekly social or reassurance calls from RSVP volunteers if you are 60+ in select Iowa counties. |
Ethics Disclosure Reporting and Search
Candidate Committees and certain executive branch employees and officials file personal financial disclosure. |
Events Calendar
Calendar of DNR events happening throughout the State. |
Export Trade Assistance Program (ETAP)
Export Trade Assistance Grant program - sign up to apply for training or marketing financial assistance to eligible Iowa small companies to help companies market their products and services to a global audience. |
Exporters Directory
Match your company to buyers worldwide. |
Fair E-Newsletter
Join our email club to get the inside scoop on Fair events and activities delivered right to your inbox! |
Fair Text Alerts
Stay up to date on the latest Iowa State Fair news and events with Iowa State Fair text alerts! |
Farm to School Producers
Search Farm to School Producers by product, growing method and county. |
Farmer's Market Licensing
Obtain/Renew your Farmer's Market license. |
Farmers Market Website
Locate farmers' markets and vendors participating in the farmers' market nutrition program. |
FARMS Soil and Water Conservation Programs
Follow your cost-share practice from sign up to payment along with practices and maintenance/performance agreements. |
Federal Employer Identification Number
Apply for the Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) |
Fees for Government Services
Find fees charged by Iowa agencies for government services. |
Film Location Database
Searchable database of potential locations to shoot your film. |
Film Location Submission Form
Do you have a property, business or town that ought to be in pictures? Then we’d like to see them.
Find a Licensed Insurance Agent
Listing of licensed insurance agents in Iowa |
Find a Licensed Insurance Company
Listing of licensed insurance companies in Iowa |
Find an Area Agency on Aging
Locate the Area Agency on Aging near you. |
First Fish Certificate Application
Submit your favorite young angler's for their first fish! Receive a frame-able certificate to commemorate this special event. |
Information resource which includes the full text of magazines, newspapers and reference tools. |
Fish Kill Database
Search Iowa DNR Fishkill Database for data on all fishkills in the state from 1995 to the present. |
Fishing & Hunting Licenses
Apply for your fishing or hunting license online. |
Food Assistance Program
Apply for and manage your food assistance benefits. |
Food Processing Licensing
Obtain/Renew your Food Processing license. |
Food Service, Retail Food, and Mobile Food Licensing
Obtain/Renew your Food Service, Retail Food, and Mobile Food license. |
Foster and Adoptive Parent Application
Start the process to become a foster or adoptive parent. |
Game Machine Registration
Register Electrical and Mechanical Amusement Devices through the Game Machine Management System which also tracks Food Safety |
General Information for Consultants
Find open requests for proposals, prequalification for Iowa DOT work and more. |
Genetic Counselor Licensing
Genetic Counselors can apply for their license online. |
Genetic Counselor Search
Search for Iowa licensed genetic counselors (GC) |
GIS Downloads and Web Services
Download GIS data related to road centerlines, structures and rail crossing and business data. |
Goldie's Kids Club
Sign up for a free membership to the State Historical Museum's kids club |
Grants Application and Management Online
Apply for and manage State grants online. |
Great Iowa Treasure Hunt
Search for unclaimed property with your name or the property I.D. |
Ground Penetration Process and Application Website
Schedule digging, boring, memorial tree planting, signage, etc. on the Capitol Complex. |
Harvest Reporting
Submit Deer and Turkey Harvest Reports. |
Hay & Straw Directory
Find hay & straw near you. |
Hazardous Spills Reports
View reported spill data in your community. Submit requested and required information for responsible parties. |
Health Care Portal and Application
Apply online for IA Health Link, Medicaid and hawk-i - health care for uninsured children of working families. |
Health Facilities Search
Online search for Health Facilities in your area |
Health Facility Inspections
Report cards of inspections and final findings of complaint investigations for a wide variety of health care entities (like hospitals or long term care facilities) in the State of Iowa.
Help Desk for State of Iowa Websites
Submit an online request for help. |
HHS Offices Map
Find a HHS office near you. |
Highway Access Permits
A request for an access (driveway) connection to the primary highway can be made using our online electronic permitting system. |
Home Bakery Licensing
Obtain/Renew your Home Bakery license. |
Home Buyer Down payment and Closing Cost Assistance Search
Home Buyer Down payment and Closing Cost Assistance Search |
Hotel Licensing
Obtain/Renew your Hotel license. |
Human Services Assistance Online Applications
Apply online for Food Assistance (SNAP food stamps), Child Care Assistance, Cash Assistance and/or State Supplementary Assistance. |
Hunter Education and Training
Hunter education is a mandatory program designed to educate life-long skills important to many different types of outdoor recreational opportunities. |
Hunting Atlas
Find Hunting Locations on Public Land |
IIAGP Disaster Grant Program Application
Qualifying households may receive up to $7,000 to help with disaster recovery. |
Immunization Cards, Certificates, Pamphlets, and Posters Order Online
Order your immunization cards and certificates online |
Information Request Form
Use this form to request additional information from the Department's Health Facilities Division or to submit comments or suggestions regarding the material contained in the web pages. |
Insurance Complaint
File a complaint against an insurance company online. |
Insurance Fraud Reporting
Report insurance fraud online. |
Insurance Producer Licensing
Insurance professionals manage their license online. |
Interactive Bike Map
Interactive Bike Map |
International Service Directory
Locate service providers to support international sales. |
IOLTA Contact Registration (New)
This process allows a person to register as a contact for an IOLTA account (owned by a Financial Institution). You will need to know your Financial Institution's Registration Key. |
Iowa Attractions
Enter the region, city, keyword or select a type of attraction you want to see. |
Iowa Center for the Book
Stimulating public interest in books, reading, literacy and libraries. |
Iowa Compass
Iowa Compass connects people with disabilities and complex health-related needs to services and supports in their communities throughout Iowa.
Iowa Courts Online - Payment Search
Pay court fines online by searching with your county and name |
Iowa Culture Mobile App
Fun and interactive way to discover arts, history and cultural destinations in Iowa |
Iowa DOT Open Data
Access information and tools for understanding our datasets. |
Iowa Heritage Digital Collections
Free access to digital collections from a variety of Iowa cultural institutions. |
Iowa Housing Search
A free resource to help you find a rental home that fits your needs and budget. Property providers can list apartments or homes for rent any time. |
Iowa Publications Online
An online archive of documents produced by Iowa state agencies and intended for use by the general public. |
Iowa Utilization Reviewer Certification
Application to apply or renew the Utilization Review Certification. |
I-PACT Online Alcohol Compliance Training
Employees and prospective employees who sell or serve alcohol can go through alcohol compliance training and receive a certificate upon completion. |
I-PLEDGE Online Tobacco Compliance Training
Take the I-PLEDGE to uphold tobacco, alternative nicotine and vapor product laws, keep Iowa’s kids healthy and do not sell tobacco, alternative nicotine or vapor products to minors. |
ISave 529 Plan
Savings account management for education. |
Job Openings in State Government
Search and apply for jobs in State government. |
Job Search
Plan your career. Find a job. Search for jobs. |
Jury Duty Service (eJuror)
Citizens selected for jury duty go online and see if they need to report for duty. |
Laboratory Certifications
Laboratories apply and pay for renewal of certifications. Public may search for a laboratory. |
Law Firm Contact Registration (New)
This process allows a person to register as a contact for a Law Firm. You will need to know the Law Firm's Registration Key. |
Legislation - Find a Bill, Amendment, Resolution
Search for a Bill, Amendment, Resolution. |
Legislator Identification
Find Your Legislator. |
Legislature Live Chamber Audio
Streaming audio of Senate and House proceedings is available whenever the chambers are in session |
Legislature Video & Audio Presentations
Watch informative videos about chamber activity, fiscal information and capitol grounds tours. |
Library Card Application
Application for a State Library card; anyone living in Iowa is eligible to apply. |
Library Item Request - State Employees Only
State employees may request items from the State Library or other libraries within our network. |
Library Job List
Browse open positions in Iowa libraries or submit current library job postings. |
License Status for Insurance Agents
Search License Status of Insurance Agents |
License, Permit and Registration Information
Search sites to see license, permit or registration status for personal, business and professional licenses: |
Licensed Animal Welfare Establishment
Find a licensed animal welfare establishment near you. |
Licensed Grain Dealers
Find a licensed grain dealer near you. |
Licensed Grain Warehouses
Find a licensed grain warehouse near you. |
Licensed Lawn Applicators
Find a licensed lawn applicator near you. |
Licensed Lawyers Search
Search for lawyers by country, state, county or city. |
Licensed Meat & Poultry Plants
Find a meat & poultry plant near you. |
Live Chat With A Librarian
Click the chat button the the State Library website to chat with a librarian. |
Livestock Auctions
Find livestock auctions near you. |
Lobbyist Declarations
Lobbyist Declarations - Find Lobbyist positions on legislation: For, Against or Undecided |
Lobbyist Registration
Search for lobbyists and their clients |
Find items in Iowa libraries. |
Lookup Aircraft Registration
Verify aircraft registration information. |
Market Cafe Program Information
The Iowa Café is a new, innovative partnership between local Area Agencies on Aging and licensed foodservices establishments like restaurants, food trucks, cafés, convenience stores, and grocery stores with hot and cold food options. To find regular congregate meal sites contact your local area on aging. https://iowaaging.gov/#area-agency-on-aging-map |
Master Angler Catch Submission
Submit your big catch to be recognized as a Master Angler for more than 40 fish species. |
Mechanic's Notice and Lien Filing
Search for an existing lien or file a lien. |
Media Production Directory
Resource to find services to assist you with your production including filming locations, production companies, accommodations, equipment, rentals and more. |
Media Production Services Registration
Register your media production services. |
Medical Complaint
File a complaint against a physician (M.D. or D.O.) or acupuncturist (L.Ac.) online. |
Meeting Room Request - State Employees Only
Forrest Spaulding Conference Room #310 Request Form for State Employees |
Mentoring Program Locations
View the map to find a program or use the search to find a program in your area. |
Mentoring Programs
Find a certified youth mentoring program near you. |
Missing Persons Information
Search a list of people reported missing. |
Motor Vehicle Service Contract Providers
Listing of registered motor vehicle service contract providers in Iowa |
Museum Adult Visit Request
State Historical Museum Adult Request Process |
New Hires and Rehired Employees Reporting
Report newly hired and rehired employees. |
Newsletter Subscriptions for Arts and History
Sign up to receive the Iowa Arts, Produce Iowa or State Historical Society Newsletter |
Notary Renewal
Electronically file your notary renewal. |
Notary Search
Find a notary. |
Nursing Disciplinary Documents
View disciplinary documents by license. |
Nursing License Verification
Verify a nursing license. |
Nursing Licenses
Nursing Licenses (R.N., L.P.N., A.R.N.P.) |
Offender (Inmate) Banking with ACCESScorrections
Reliable and inexpensive ways to send money to an incarcerated person. |
Offender (Inmate) Banking with CorrLinks
Reliable and inexpensive ways to send money to an incarcerated person. |
Offender (Inmate) Banking with JPay
Reliable and inexpensive ways to send money to an incarcerated person. |
Offender (Inmate) Banking with Western Union
Reliable and inexpensive ways to send money to an incarcerated person. |
Offender (Inmate) E-Mail
Communicate with an incarcerated person. |
Offender Search
Locate Offenders in Iowa Correctional Institutions. |
Online Learning
Interactive online learning platform with over 770 practice tests, tutorials and eBooks related to job search and workplace skills. |
Online Storm Damage Reporting Tool
Report damage to your property, roads, utilities or any other storm-related information. |
Open City Budget Explorer
The explorer is an interactive budget providing line item detail for revenue and expenses associated with city budgets in Iowa. It our ongoing commitment to improving fiscal transparency. This website allows you to explore the budgets of every city in Iowa through highly interactive charts, graphs, and tables. |
Open Iowa Checkbook
Iowa Checkbook is an interactive ledger that represents our ongoing commitment to improving fiscal transparency. This website allows you to explore state executive branch expenditures from high level summaries down to checkbook level transactions recorded in the State’s central accounting system through highly interactive charts, graphs, and tables. |
Open Iowa Data Website
Explore data about Iowa and your state government, discover answers to the questions you have, and share the information with others. |
Open Iowa Pandemic Recovery Report
This report allows you to explore federal awards received, expenditures and payments associated with federal funds considered covered funds under Section 15011 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. |
Open Valuation & Finance System
Local governments can submit budgets, annual financial reports, and valuations. Public can access reports provided. |
Order Specialty or Personalized Plates
Personalize your license plate, check availability, and reserve your plate |
Organ Donor Online Registration
Register online to be an organ, tissue or eye donor. |
Outdoors Magazine Subscription
The annual subscription delivers six issues of Iowa Outdoors loaded with beautiful nature photography, in-depth wildlife stories, outdoor travel, fishing and hunting tips, and more. |
Pay My SOS Charge Account
Log in and pay your SOS charge account |
Pay Property Taxes (iowataxandtags)
Pay your property taxes in Buchanan, Clayton, Dickinson, Floyd, Iowa, Johnson, Linn, Montgomery, Polk, Pottawattamie, Poweshiek |
Pay Property Taxes (iowatreasurers)
Pay your property taxes in Adair, Adams, Allamakee, Benton, Black Hawk, Bremer, Cass, Cherokee, Clarke, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Dallas, Delaware, Dubuque, Emmet, Franklin, Fremont, Grundy, Hamilton, Hardin, Harrison, Henry, Humboldt, Ida, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Jones, Keokuk, Kossuth, Louisa, Lucas, Lyon, Mitchell, Monona, Muscatine, Page, Plymouth, Pocahontas, Ringgold, Sac, Scott, Shelby, Story, Tama, Taylor, Union, Van Buren, Wapello, Washington, Wayne, Winneshiek, Woodbury, Wright |
Pay Your Civil Penalty(ies)
Review and pay any civil penalty(ies) required for reinstatement of your license ($1.50 on-line processing fee added) |
Permit Registration, Change and Cancellation
Register for or request a change, cancellation, or reinstatement of a tax permit. |
Pesticide Applicators and Companies Database
Search Pesticide Applicators and Companies by Company, Applicator or Aerial Consultant. |
Pesticide Dealer License Renewal
Renew your pesticide dealer license. |
Pesticide Product Registration Renewals
Online renewal of pesticide product registration. |
Pesticide Searchable Database
Searchable database of registered pesticides. |
Pharmacist Intern Registration
Register as a pharmacist intern. |
Pharmacy Benefits Manager Complaint
File a pharmacy benefits manager complaint online |
Physician Health Program
Physicians self-report potential impairments for intervention, diagnosis, and treatment, with monitoring. |
Physician Licensing
Physicians (M.D. and D.O.) can apply for and manage their license online. |
Physician Search
Search for physicians licensed in Iowa (M.D. or D.O.). |
Plan Your Trip
Poetry Out Loud School Registration
Register your school to participate in this year's contest |
Policy Guidance Request
Submit questions or feedback on the topics that are most confusing or need further clarity and explanation |
Practitioner Search (Teacher, Administrator, Coach)
Search the database for a teacher, administrator, or coach license. |
Prescription Drug Take Back Location Finder
Find a prescription drug take back site near you. |
Prescription Monitoring Program
Prescriber and Pharmacist secure access reporting system for Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances. |
Primary Source Sets for Educators
Educators resource to social studies curriculum. |
Prime Contractor Prequalification
Prequalify to bid, and request eligibility to bid. |
Pro Hac Vice Attorney (Lawyer) Registration
Register as a Pro Hac Vice Attorney |
Pro Hac Vice Attorneys Search (Court Appointed Lawyer)
Search for a Pro Hac Vice Attorney |
Probate Form
Attorneys submit probate information to check decedent’s tax liabilities |
Producer Business Entities
Listing of producer business entities in Iowa |
Professional Fundraisers and Charity Information & Registration
Register as a professional fundraiser |
Property and Community Search
Find the right location for your business. |
Property Assessment Appeals Court Decision Database
Search Property Assessment Appeals court decisions. |
Property Assessment Appeals Decision Database
Search Property Assessment Appeals decisions. |
Protective Order Notification for Domestic Abuse (IPONDA)
You can register to receive telephone and/or email notifications from IPONDA on your protective order or no contact order. |
Public Comment
Comment on State of Iowa documents that are open for public feedback. |
Public Meeting Calendar
Search the calendar for upcoming public meetings that are open meetings that anyone can attend. |
Railroad & Utility Emergency Contact Information Form
Emergency contact information for use in contacting utilities and railroads in cases of emergency repairs or non-routine maintenance in railroad right-of-way |
Recorded Livestock Brands
Search the database of recorded livestock brands. |
Recovery support for pharmacy professionals and student pharmacists
IMP3 program assists pharmacy professionals and student pharmacists in obtaining the necessary support for healthy recover from substance abuse, mental and/or physical disabilities |
Register to Vote Online
Register to Vote Online for Iowa Driver License holders. The partnership with Iowa Department of Transportation allows citizens to login using their Driver License information and register for voting. |
Registered Apprentice Employer Contact Form
Fill out this contact form to start the process of setting up a Registered Apprenticeship Program |
Registered Apprentice Interest Form
Become a registered apprentice. |
Registered Apprentice Recruitment Form
Fill out this form if you are interested in receiving referrals for your Registered Apprenticeship Program through your local IowaWORKS office. |
Registered Apprenticeship Opportunities
View locations for registered apprenticeship opportunities. |
Registered Apprenticeship Program List
Home Base Iowa businesses which have an established veteran registered apprenticeship program in Iowa. You can search by company name, city, county or primary industry. Statewide businesses may include the term "statewide" for city and/or county. |
Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors
Search the list of current Registered Apprenticeship sponsors in Iowa and the programs they offer. |
Registration Fee Calculator
Estimate your title and registration fees for a vehicle. (Click on Tools > Dealer Inquiry) |
Regulated State Banks Quarterly Financial Reports
Search reports for regulated banks in Iowa. |
Request an Absentee Ballot
Request an absentee ballot to vote from your county auditor/commissioner of elections. |
Requests for Proposal issued by Treasurer's Office
Search for bidding opportunities and RFPs with the Treasurer of State Office. |
Residential Service Contract Providers
Listing of licensed residential service contract providers in Iowa |
Restaurant (Food Safety) Inspections
Inspection Reports for Food Establishments, Food Processing Plants, and Hotels and Motels. |
Retirement Facilities
Listing of retirement facilities in Iowa |
Find viable commute options including carpool partners, vanpool routes transit routes, cycling buddies, and more. |
Sales Tax Rates Lookup (IDR)
Look up the sales tax for a specific location or jurisdiction. |
Schedule and/or Search for Events
Search or submit application for special events in State Parks. |
School Report Cards
Search for school performance information. |
Search 28E Agreements
Search 28E agreements filed prior to 1993. |
Search for your local Library
Directory of all local libraries in Iowa. |
Self-Exclusion Removal Request
Revoke the voluntary exclusion (must have elected to be voluntarily excluded prior to July 1, 2017 and been excluded for a period of at least 5 years) |
Sensitive Crops Directory
Register crops sensitive to pesticides; beekeepers; apiarists. Applicators can be notified of sensitive crop designated areas. |
Sex Offender Notifications
Crime victims and other interested parties the ability to be automatically notified by phone or email about changes in the location or identification information of a registered sex offender. |
Sex Offender Registrant Watch
Provides crime victims and other interested parties the ability to be automatically notified by phone or email about changes in the location or identification information of a registered sex offender. |
Sex Offender Search
Search for Sex Offenders |
Show Your Support For Traffic Safety
Submit a "message Monday" idea |
Sign up to order from the inventory stock catalog for government agencies
Cities, counties and state agencies order stock items online via the stock catalog. |
Significant Changes Reporting Online Form
Professional Fundraisers report significant changes |
Smoke Free Homes Registry
Use the interactive map to locate properties in Iowa that are registered as smoke-free. |
Solid Waste Alternatives Program (SWAP)
Search the database to find recycling services. Help reduce waste. |
Solid Waste Permitted Facilities
Search solid waste facility permits database. |
Speech Pathology and Audiology Licensing
Speech pathology and audiology professionals can manage their license online. |
Start a Business Online Resources
Search to find required licenses and other business startup requirements. |
State Assistance Eligibility Assessment
Determine what DHS programs you are eligible to receive. |
State Contracts
Search awarded State contracts. Login as a public user. |
State Data Center
Source for population, housing, business, and government statistics about Iowa. |
State Employee Phone Book
Search for employee contact information. |
State Fair Store
Welcome to the Iowa State Fair Store. The Blue Ribbon Foundation manages the merchandise sold in the State Fair Store. Profits from the store directly benefit the Foundation's goal of raising funds to help preserve and improve the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Thank you for shopping and supporting the Iowa State Fair! |
State Forestry Nursery Sales
Place an order for tree seedlings. |
State Historical Society Volunteer Interest Form
If you are searching for a one-time experience or ongoing volunteer opportunities you can fill out this form to get involved |
State Library Online Catalog
Search for books, journals, videos and more from the State Library collections. |
State Parks Special Events Permits and Scheduling
Schedule an event and get the permit at the same time. |
State Parks, Forests and Preserves
Find state parks, state forests and state preserves near you. |
State Surplus Information and Auction Website
Online auction for surplus property. |
State Vehicle Calculator for Replacement
Government entities can calculate when a vehicle needs to be replaced by the agency. |
Stormwater Permits
Apply for a permit or renew your permit online. |
Structure Inventory and Inspection Management System
View Iowa bridges structure inventory and inspection conditions. |
Students for Tobacco Education and Prevention (ISTEP)
Find an ISTEP chapter near you. |
Submit Street Financial Report
Search last 5 years of each cities street financial report. |
Table of Contents Service - State Employees Only
Request Table of Contents to magazines for easier selection of work related articles |
Targeted Small Business Certification Application
Certify your business as being owned, operated, and actively managed by women, minority persons, and individuals with disabilities or service-connected disabled veterans. |
Targeted Small Business Search
Search for Targeted Small Businesses Authorized by the State of Iowa. |
Tax Fraud Reporting
Report an individual or business of suspected fraud |
Tax Payment Online Services
Pay individual and business taxes. |
Tax Refund Status - Iowa
Where's my refund? Get the latest information about your tax refund. |
Tax Research Library
Access Court Decisions, Rulings, and other information from the Iowa Department of Revenue archives. |
Tax Webinars for Businesses
View online tax webinars presented by the Iowa Department of Revenue. |
Teacher License
Online tools for Iowa Educators and Administrators to manage their license. |
Track a Plow
See the number and locations of snow plows on the highway during winter months. |
Traffic Cameras
See the locations of traffic cameras in the state. |
Travel Authorization for State Employees
Online travel authorization. |
Travel Maps
Find various travel maps |
Turn in Poachers - TIP
Poachers are thieves. Take an active role in helping Iowa DNR put these fish and wildlife thieves out of business. |
UCC Certified/Federal Liens Search
Searchable lien database. |
UCC Filing
File a UCC lien online. |
Underground Storage Corrective Action Plans
Search for Underground Storage sites with leaks and their Tier 2 corrective action plans. Authorized users login to submit reports. |
Underground Storage Tanks Database
Tracks UST site location, site owners, tanks, Risk-Based Corrective Action (RBCA), site classification and remediation; and the current status of UST & Leaking UST sites. |
Unemployment Insurance Appeals Status
Check the status of Unemployment Insurance Appeals.
Unemployment Insurance Claimant Fraud Reporting
Report claimant fraud |
Unemployment Insurance Employer Fraud Reporting
Report employer fraud |
Unemployment Insurance Job Refusal Fraud Reporting
Employers can report Unemployed Claimants in Iowa who have refused legitimate job offers. |
Unemployment Insurance Overpayment
Pay the State for overpayment of your unemployment insurance |
Unemployment Insurance Refusal to Interview Fraud Reporting
Employers can report unemployed claimants in Iowa who have refused or not appeared for legitimate job interviews. |
Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claim
File your weekly unemployment insurance claim online |
Unfair Market Practice Complaint
File an unfair market practice complaint online |
Utilities Board Electronic Filing System
Submit complaints, comments/objections, applications, petitions, motions and other filings. Search dockets and filings. |
Utilities Board Live Video Streaming Even Schedule
View the Live Video Streaming Event Schedule |
Utility Questions and Complaints
If you are unable to resolve issues with your utility service provider or have questions about utility service rules and requirements submit your question or complaint online. |
Utility Service Area Map Order Form
Order a utility service area map |
Vehicle Online Registration Renewal (iowataxandtags)
Renew your vehicle registration online in Buchanan, Clayton, Dickinson, Floyd, Iowa, Johnson, Linn, Montgomery, Polk, Pottawattamie, Poweshiek |
Vehicle Registration Renewal (iowatreasurers)
Pay to renew your vehicle registration online |
Vending Machine Licensing
Obtain/Renew your Vending Machine license. |
Vendor Information Website
Register to do business with Iowa state government. |
Veteran Event Scheduler
Submit your event to the Veteran Event Schedule |
Veteran's County Office Locator
Locate your local Veterans County Office |
Veterans Employment Opportunities
Services to help veterans find and secure suitable employment. |
Veterans Gravesite Locator
Use the Nationwide Gravesite Locator to search for burial locations of veterans. |
Victim Information & Notification Everyday (IowaVINE)
Sign up for changes in offender custody status notifications sent directly to your phone or e-mail. |
Visit License, Permit and Registration Website
Search sites to see license, permit or registration status for personal, business and professional licenses. |
Visit Website
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities available in Iowa |
Voter Registration
Register to vote or update your voter registration online |
Voting/Polling Locations & Precincts
Find Your Precinct/Polling Place |
Waste Exchange (IWE)
Search for materials you can use or look for a market for something you don't need. Material might be used or new and is related to construction or other types projects. |
Wastewater Permit Information Exchange
Search NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits for cities or industries in Iowa. |
Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Program (OpCert)
Interactive certification for water distribution and waste lagoon operators. |
Water Use Program (WUse)
Apply for a water use permit online. |
What Documents Do I Need?
Build a personal checklist of the documents you will need to satisfy Iowa's identification requirements for driver's licenses and IDs |
WIC Agency Map and Contact Information
Find the WIC Agency in your area. |
Winning Lottery Numbers
Find the latest winning lottery numbers. |
Catalog of holdings for libraries worldwide. |