Social Media - State of Iowa Directory

Social Media List

This page lists every organization within the State of Iowa that participates in social media.

Aging Services in the Department of Health and Human Services

Aging Services uses the following social media:

Agriculture and Land Stewardship Department

Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship uses the following social media:

Alcoholic Beverages Commission

Alcoholic Beverages Commission uses the following social media:


Archaeologist uses the following social media:

Arts Council

Arts Council uses the following social media:

Attorney General

Attorney General uses the following social media:

Auditor of State

Auditor of State uses the following social media:

Blind, Department for the

Our mission is to Empower blind Iowans to be gainfully employed and live independently.

Department for the Blind uses the following social media:

Civil Rights Commission

Civil Rights Commission uses the following social media:

Corrections, Department Of

Corrections, Department of uses the following social media:

Dental Board

Dental Board uses the following social media:

Drug Control Policy, Office of

Drug Control Policy, Office of uses the following social media:

Educational Examiners, Iowa Board of

Educational Examiners, Iowa Board of uses the following social media:

Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, Iowa

Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, Iowa uses the following social media:

Fair Board

Fire Marshal's Office, State

State Fire Marshal's Office uses the following social media:

Fire Service Training Bureau (IFSTB)

Fire Service Training Bureau uses the following social media:


Governor uses the following social media:

Governor's STEM Advisory Council

Governor's STEM Advisory Council uses the following social media:

Health and Human Services, Department Of

Department of Health and Human Services uses the following social media:

Homebase Iowa

Homebase Iowa uses the following social media:

Information Technology

Division of Information Technology uses the following social media:

Iowa Child Advocacy Board

Iowa Child Advocacy Board uses the following social media:

Iowa Communications Network

Iowa Communications Network uses the following social media:

Iowa Finance Authority

Iowa Finance Authority uses the following social media:

Iowa Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management uses the following social media:

Iowa Prison Industries

Prison Industries uses the following social media:

Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System

Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System uses the following social media:

Iowa State Patrol

State Patrol uses the following social media:

Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System Board (ISICSB)

Iowa Statewide Interoperable Communications System Board (ISICSB) uses the following social media:

Judicial Branch

Judicial Branch uses the following social media:

Law Enforcement Academy

Law Enforcement Academy uses the following social media:

Law Library, State

Law Library, State uses the following social media:

Legislature, Iowa

Iowa Legislature uses the following social media:

Library of Iowa, State

Library of Iowa, State uses the following social media:

Lieutenant Governor

Lottery, Iowa

Management Department

Management Department uses the following social media:

Medicine, Iowa Board of

Medicine, Iowa Board of uses the following social media:

National Guard, Iowa

National Guard uses the following social media:

Nursing, Iowa Board of

Nursing, Iowa Board of uses the following social media:

Pharmacy, Iowa Board of

Pharmacy, Iowa Board of uses the following social media:

Regents, Iowa Board of

Regents, Iowa Board of uses the following social media:

Revenue, Iowa Department of

Revenue, Iowa Department of uses the following social media:

State Public Defender

State Public Defender uses the following social media:

Telecommunications and Technology Commission, Iowa

Telecommunications and Technology Commission, Iowa uses the following social media:

Terrace Hill

Terrace Hill uses the following social media:

Travel & Tourism

Utilities Commission Iowa

Utilities Commission, Iowa uses the following social media:

Veterans Affairs, Iowa Department of

Veterans Affairs, Iowa Department of uses the following social media:

Veterans Home, Iowa

Veterans Home uses the following social media:

Vocational Rehabilitation Services

Vocational Rehabilitation Services uses the following social media:

Volunteer Service, Iowa Commission on

Volunteer Service, Iowa Commission on uses the following social media:

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